Category: News

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Nannoworks at the 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology

    Nannoworks at the 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology

    The 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology was held virtually from June 21-25, 2021 and hosted by the International Association of Sedimentologists at Prague, Czech Republic. The meeting is held to […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Nannoworks at GEOSEA 2021

    Nannoworks at GEOSEA 2021

    The Regional Geoscience Congress of Southeast Asia (GEOSEA) 2021 was held last December 6-8, 2021 via Zoom with the theme “5 (+1) Years after ASEAN Integration: Milestones, Challenges and Perspectives […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: INA Nannotalks Vol. 2: Dr. Fanny Monteiro

    INA Nannotalks Vol. 2: Dr. Fanny Monteiro

    We are inviting our colleagues and fellow fossil enthusiasts to attend the second series of Nannotalks by the International Nannoplankton Association (INA). The first talk in the second series will […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: INA Nannotalks Vol. 2: Dr. Blanca Ausín

    INA Nannotalks Vol. 2: Dr. Blanca Ausín

    We are inviting our colleagues and fellow fossil enthusiasts to attend the second series of Nannotalks by the International Nannoplankton Association (INA). The second talk in the second series will […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: INA Nannotalks Vol. 2: Dr. Samuel Phelps

    INA Nannotalks Vol. 2: Dr. Samuel Phelps

    We are inviting our colleagues and fellow fossil enthusiasts to attend the second series of Nannotalks by the International Nannoplankton Association (INA). The first talk in the second series will […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Call for Abstracts: NIGSCon 2021

    Call for Abstracts: NIGSCon 2021

    The University of the Philippines-National Institute of Geological Sciences (UP-NIGS) will be holding its annual NIGS Research Symposium (NIGSCON) on 13-14 October 2021 with the theme, “Overcoming Barriers, Strengthening Connections”. The symposium will feature various research on petrography, geochemistry, mineral […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Recording: NannoTalks of Dr. Juan C. Rofes

    Recording: NannoTalks of Dr. Juan C. Rofes

    Last August 23, 2021, Dr. Juan C. Rofes of the UP Archaeological Studies Program gave a talk on his research on small vertebrates across South America, Europe and Southeast Asia. […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: On the Rocks: Geological Film Festival 2021

    On the Rocks: Geological Film Festival 2021

    The Italian Geological Society (SGI), the Italian Society for Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP), and the Italian Paleontological Society (SPI) will be organizing the first geological film festival – On the Rocks: […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: PaleoConnect: The Past is the Window to the Present and Future

    PaleoConnect: The Past is the Window to the Present and Future

    The Nannoworks Laboratory is inviting its members and its colleagues to a seminar organized by the Biological Research and Services Laboratory of the National Science Research Institute. The talk is […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Happy Geologists Day!

    Happy Geologists Day!

    Geologists’ Day started in the Soviet Union in 1966 as a professional holiday for geologists, geochemists, and geophysicists. It’s traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday of April to mark the […]