
Lithofacies and Architectural Analysis of Viga Conglomerate (Catanduanes Province, Philippines)

Proponent: Kerve Supnet
Adviser: Dr. Allan Gil Fernando

Holocene sea surface temperature and paleoproductivity variability off Southeastern Philippines: Insights from alkenone and coccolithophore records

Proponent: Justin Jorge R. Padre
Adviser: Dr. Alyssa Peleo-Alampay

Machine Learning and Image Segmentation for Textural Analysis and Porosity Determination of Sedimentary Rocks

Morphology and Taxonomy of Fossil Elephantoids from the Pleistocene of Luzon
Proponent: Maria Gracia C. Padrique
Advisers: Dr. Allan Gil S. Fernando and Dr. Maricor N. Soriano
Proponent: Meyrick U. Tablizo
Advisers: Dr. Allan Gil S. Fernando and Dr. Gerrit D. van den Bergh